What Are Common Pediatric Dental Procedures?

Overseeing a child’s proper oral health development isn’t easy, but the right pediatric dentist in Bethesda, MD, can make all the difference.

There are lots of dental procedures your little one could need to ensure their smiles grow happy and healthy. Here are five of the most common ones:

1. Dental Fillings

Children are usually more prone to cavities. For one thing, they love sweets, which unfortunately increase their risk for tooth decay. Moreover, oral hygiene habits are still forming at this stage, and most kids don’t like to spend much time brushing and flossing their teeth.

If the child does develop a cavity, a simple dental filling is usually all it takes to treat it. It’s important to monitor your child’s oral health and take them to a dentist as soon as you notice the cavity to prevent it from getting bigger or even infecting the tooth. 

2. Dental Sealants

Smaller cavities might not need a filling. Dental sealants are popular pediatric treatments that help prevent bacteria from attacking the tooth and decaying its tissue.

They are a thin layer of plastic put over the child’s chewing surface. They can also be used to protect the teeth of children who are more cavity-prone, such as due to genetics.

3. Orthodontics

A perfectly straight smile sometimes requires more work. Children often need orthodontics to correct tooth placement once their adult teeth start growing. 

These treatments aren’t done simply for cosmetic reasons. A straight smile is easier to care for, helps avoid speech issues, and ensures the child can properly chew their food.

4. Preventive Care

Preventive care plays a huge role in a child’s oral health development. Instead of taking them to the dentist to treat an existing problem, such as a cavity, these treatments help reduce the risk of oral health issues. 

Common preventative care treatments can include cleanings, x-rays, and fluoride treatments, depending on the child’s needs. Like adults, children should see a dentist once every six months for a preventative session. 

5. Emergency Dental Care

Children are slightly accident-prone, so it’s not that uncommon to take them to an emergency dental appointment. 

One of the most common issues an emergency pediatric dentist sees is a knocked-out tooth. The child plays, falls, and the blow accidentally knocks their tooth out. Other cases can include severe toothaches or oral bleeding. 

Emergency dental care helps remove the child’s discomfort and protect their oral health long-term, no matter if the damage happens to their adult teeth or one of the remaining baby teeth. 

Bring Your Child to Harmony Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics 

Let Dr. Maddy Goodman and Dr. Heather Sholander help you make sure your child’s oral health needs are fully met! 

Request a visit to Harmony Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics online or call us at (301) 664-4220 today to learn more about our services.

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